LOTO Programs Made Simple in Just 3 Steps

LOTO Programs Made Simple in Just 3 Steps

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LOTO Programs Made Simple in Just 3 Steps

Are you struggling to understand the ins and outs of LOTO programs?


Keeping your employees safe from unexpected bursts of hazardous energy is paramount in any manufacturing environment. LOTO, or lockout tagout, programs provide solutions to keep your workers safe from these hazards. These written plans address energy dangers during maintenance and servicing activities by establishing a well-defined system for controlling harmful forces resulting from electricity, hydraulics, compressed air, etc.


LOTO programs significantly reduce the risk of serious injuries or even fatalities by preventing accidental startups and energy releases. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established a standard for controlling hazardous energies within 29 CFR 1910.147. Yet, developing and implementing effective, compliant LOTO programs can be achieved in just three straightforward steps.


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1. Pinpoint your energy control points.


The foundation of successful LOTO programs lies in identifying all the potential energy hazards within your facility. The operation must meticulously perform a risk identification and assessment on every machine and piece of equipment for hazardous energy sources. As such, the evaluator(s) should look for items like electrical power connections, pressurized lines, springs under tension, etc. 


Upon identifying a hazardous energy source, the isolation point for the source must be determined. All newer pieces of equipment have energy isolation points predesigned to accept LOTO devices. Facilities must document each juncture by identifying these locations in their written LOTO programs. 


As a best practice, all energy isolation points should be marked with permanent signage or labels. Doing so ensures everyone involved in maintenance procedures can easily recognize and control these potential hazards. Moreover, the isolation point labels should be standardized throughout the facility, assigning each point a unique identifier. For example, electrical isolation points may be identified as E-1, E-2, E-3, and so on until every point has been appropriately distinguished.




2. Craft clear and comprehensive procedures for your LOTO programs.


With all your energy isolation points known, the next step is to develop a detailed LOTO written program, including the names of authorized personnel, training, LOTO device specifications, general and complex LOTO practices, an inspection program, and any other associated considerations.


Creating a machine-specific procedure for each piece of equipment with a hazardous energy source is the preferred best management practice within LOTO programs. These specialized written instructions are required for machines with more than one energy source or the potential to contain stored or residual energy. The documents act as roadmaps, outlining the precise steps necessary for safely controlling hazardous energies during maintenance activities, specifying the energy source(s) and magnitude(s) and the exact LOTO location(s) and devices needed for each point.


Furthermore, equipment-specific procedures must also convey the purpose, scope, and enforcement measures to ensure compliance. Detailed instructions for proper machine shutdown, isolation, lockout, tagout, energy release, verification, LOTO removal, and return to service actions should also be incorporated into the document. While these procedures are widely accepted as standard, OSHA’s control of hazardous energy regulation does provide for an exception to machine-specific procedures.


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3. Empower and train workers for robust execution of LOTO programs.


Even the most meticulously crafted LOTO strategy is only as effective as those who use it. Therefore, educating all your employees, from seasoned veterans to new hires, on the specifics of your LOTO methodology is crucial.


Your facility’s training should be twofold, addressing affected workers who work in areas where energy isolation may be necessary and authorized workers responsible for executing LOTO procedures. Affected team members need awareness-level information focused on the purpose of LOTO, what LOTO devices look like, and explicit instruction not to remove or deface locks or tags when encountered.


On the other hand, authorized employees will require comprehensive training on LOTO. The educational session should cover topics like identifying distinct types of hazardous energy, understanding the role of lockout/tagout devices, the procedures established for energy control, and, most importantly, the reasoning behind following these protocols. Furthermore, authorized individuals should be able to recognize LOTO devices on sight and know how to apply and remove them.


Sites must also ensure on-site contractors understand and follow the provisions of LOTO programs. Pre-work orientations provide a solid vehicle to relay information on the facility’s approach to controlling hazardous energies. Likewise, the training discussed in this section should be refreshed regularly. Employees and contractors should be retrained when changes to procedures, equipment, or job duties occur and when potential compliance deficiencies are noted.  



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Controlling Hazardous Energies for Full Worker Protection


LOTO programs are often seen as a hurdle to overcome, leading to delays in production. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, a solid LOTO strategy is an investment in both safety and productivity. Preventing injuries reduces downtime caused by worker absences and incident investigations, which increases the overall resource availability for the operation. 


Furthermore, a culture of safety fosters trust and morale among your employees, leading to a more engaged and dynamic workforce. So, avoid thinking of LOTO programs as a hindrance. They are an investment that safeguards your employees, protects your business from potential fines, and ultimately, keeps your operations running smoothly.


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LOTO Programs Made Simple in Just 3 Steps


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